Your natural health lifestyle
Only the Highest Quality Ingredients
In fact, we search and produce food and nutritions globally!
What can we do for you?
Bloodspot tests for nutrients: Omega 3 Index, Vitamin D, and DHA for Breast milk…
Professional clinical nutrition interventions for chronic diseases…
Various selections of organic foods and supplements…
And more coming soon…
What do we believe?
O’solus vía - a bright way to nature.
We believe that there are three balanced essentials in our health:
(精) A tangible necessary material basis
(氣) An intangible energy field: Yin-Yang and five phases (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water)
(神) Spiritual needs
The balance of a tangible necessary material basis
One of most harmonious diets in our daily life
Sugar, starch vs Cellulose
When it comes to proper nutrition, it is important to understand the balance of sugar, starch, and cellulose in order to maintain good health. All three of these substances play an important role in providing essential nutrients and energy to our bodies.
Sugar is a simple carbohydrate that is quickly digested and provides the body with energy. It can be found in many foods, such as fruits and vegetables, and is also added to many processed foods. Too much sugar can lead to weight gain and health problems, so it is important to balance it with other food sources. Starch is a complex carbohydrate that is broken down into glucose and absorbed into the bloodstream. It is found in foods such as grains, potatoes, and legumes. Starch provides energy and vitamins, as well as fiber for digestion. Cellulose is a type of fiber found in fruits, vegetables, and grains. It is important for proper digestion and regularity, and for helping to reduce the risk of certain diseases. It is important to get the right amount of cellulose in the diet, as too much can lead to constipation.
It is essentially to maintain a balance of sugar, starch, and cellulose in the diet to provide the body with essential nutrients and energy. These substances provide essential vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber to aid in digestion and overall health. Eating a balanced diet with a variety of whole foods is the best way to ensure that you are getting all the nutrients you need. Additionally, it is important to limit added sugars and processed foods, as they can contribute to weight gain and other health problems.
Oxidants vs Anti-oxidants
The balance of oxidants and antioxidants in the body is incredibly important for overall health. Oxidants are compounds that are produced by the body’s metabolic processes and can cause damage to cells and tissues in the body if their levels become too high. Antioxidants are compounds that work to neutralize the damage caused by oxidants. Having an imbalance of oxidants and antioxidants can lead to a number of health problems. Oxidative stress is a condition where the body has an excessive amount of oxidants and not enough antioxidants to counteract them. This can cause damage to cells and tissues, leading to accelerated aging, increased risk of cancer and heart disease, and even neurological and mental health issues.
The best way to keep the balance of oxidants and antioxidants in check is through a healthy diet and lifestyle. Eating a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help provide the body with antioxidants to fight against the oxidants. Additionally, regular exercise and avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can also help to keep the body’s antioxidant levels in balance. The balance of oxidants and antioxidants is important not only for overall health, but also for the body’s ability to fight off disease and illnesses. Keeping the balance in check can help to protect against a number of health issues and can help to maintain overall wellbeing. Eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can help to keep the balance in check and ensure the body is getting the antioxidant protection it needs.
Omega 3 vs Omega 6
Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are essential for human health, but they must be consumed in the right balance in order to be beneficial. Omega-3s are found primarily in fish, while omega-6s are found in plant-based oils. While it’s important to get enough of both, too much omega-6 can lead to inflammation and other health issues. These two essential fatty acids have different and important roles in the body. Omega-3s are necessary for proper heart, brain, eyes, sperm and nerve function, and they also help to reduce inflammation. Omega-6s, on the other hand, are important for cell growth and development, but can also increase inflammation if not kept in balance with omega-3s. The ideal ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 is believed to be between 1:1 and 4:1, lower ratios being preferable for optimal health. Unfortunately, the average American diet is closer to 16:1, with omega-6s dominating. This imbalance can lead to a host of health issues, including fatty liver, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and certain types of cancer.
In order to maintain a balanced intake of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, it’s important to eat a variety of foods. Omega-3s can be found in fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, and sardines, as well as flaxseed, chia seeds, and walnuts. Omega-6s can be found in plant-based oils such as sunflower, safflower, and soybean oil, as well as some nuts and seeds. It’s also important to limit processed foods, as they often contain high amounts of omega-6 fatty acids. Eating a diet that focuses on whole, unprocessed foods is a great way to ensure an optimal balance of omega-3s and omega-6s. In summary, maintaining a balanced intake of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids is essential for optimal health. Eating a variety of whole, unprocessed foods and limiting processed foods is the best way to ensure a healthy balance of these essential fatty acids.
Importance of a balance of gut flora
The human body is made up of trillions of bacteria and other microorganisms, collectively known as the gut flora. The health of our gut is essential for our overall wellbeing, as it plays a critical role in digestion, immunity and even mental health. A balanced gut flora, which includes beneficial bacteria, neutral bacteria and bad bacteria, is essential for a healthy body and mind.
Beneficial bacteria are the most important type of bacteria for our gut health. They aid in digestion, help produce vitamins and assist in the absorption of nutrients from food. They also play a role in protecting the body from bad bacteria, which can cause infections and other diseases. Some beneficial bacteria also produce anti-inflammatory compounds that can help reduce inflammation in the body. Neutral bacteria are neither beneficial nor bad. They are simply present in the gut and do not cause any harm. Neutral bacteria can help maintain a healthy balance of beneficial and bad bacteria in the gut. Bad bacteria can be detrimental to our health and can cause infections, inflammation and metabolic disorder. It may further develop into various of diseases. Bad bacteria in the gut can be caused by poor diet, antibiotic use, and other lifestyle factors. It is important to keep bad bacteria in check by eating a healthy diet, taking probiotics, and limiting exposure to antibiotics.
A balanced gut flora, which includes beneficial, neutral, and bad bacteria, is essential for a healthy body and mind. Beneficial bacteria can help improve digestion, produce vitamins and protect the body from bad bacteria. Neutral bacteria help maintain a healthy balance of bacteria in the gut. Lastly, bad bacteria should be kept in check in order to protect the body from potential harm. By taking the necessary steps to maintain a healthy balance of bacteria in the gut, we can enjoy the many benefits that come with a balanced and healthy gut flora.
Balance of intangible energy field - Yin-Yang, The Five Phases
An ancient wisdom of Chinese Civilization
Thousands of years ago, the Chinese civilization discovered the concept of Yin-Yang, which is the mutual generation and restriction of two opposing forces in the natural universe. The Five Phases theory expands this idea by illustrating the dynamic and periodic transformation of Yin and Yang through the chronology of the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches. These phases represent the seasons of the earth and are characterized as Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water.
All of the Five Phases are aspects of Qi and are applied to various aspects of life, including the seasons. Wood represents spring, a period of 72 days and growth, generating abundance and vitality. Fire is associated with summer, a period of heat and energy, with the possibility of fires in some parts of the world. Earth is assigned to late summer or long summer, a period of leveling, moderation and fruition, or sometimes used for transitional periods. Metal is linked to autumn, a period of harvesting and gathering, while water represents winter, a period of contraction, retention, and retreat. The Five Phases theory offers a comprehensive understanding of the natural universe, including the cycles of seasons and their effects on life.
The five phases in the Chinese philosophy of Wu Xing are interdependent and maintain a close relationship with one another. The generating cycle begins with Wood feeding Fire, which in turn creates Earth. Earth then gives birth to Metal, which collects Water and nourishes Wood in a cyclical manner. In the restricting sequence, Wood has a firm grip on Earth, much like how tree roots penetrate the earth and prevent soil erosion. Earth, in turn, can absorb and contain water, effectively extinguishing Fire. Meanwhile, Metal can be melted by Fire and in turn, Metal can be used to cut Wood, as demonstrated by the use of axes and saws in lumbering.
In the philosophy of Holism, the human body is viewed as an interconnected system, where each organ and system is analyzed in relation to the principles of Yin and Yang. These principles suggest that each organ has an opposing counterpart, referred to as a Yin-Yang pair, which share common characteristics, such as meridians, tissues, muscles, and energetic functions. Additionally, certain organs are generally considered to be of a Yin nature, such as the liver, heart, spleen, lungs, and kidneys. Conversely, the Yang organs are the gallbladder, stomach, large and small intestines, and urinary bladder. Moreover, each organ pair corresponds to one of the Five Phases of Chinese medicine: the liver and gallbladder are associated with the Wood Phase, the heart and small intestine with Fire, the spleen and stomach with Earth, the lung and large intestine with Metal, and the kidney and urinary bladder with Water. Ultimately, the balance of Yin and Yang in the body is essential for overall health, as these two opposing yet complementary forces are seen as a key factor for good health.
Spiritual Needs
Spiritual needs are essential to living a fulfilled, balanced life. Many of us strive to find balance between physical, mental, and spiritual needs, but often overlook the importance of our spiritual wellbeing. Our spiritual needs are just as important as our physical and mental needs, and can give us a sense of peace, joy, and contentment.
A pure and innocent body and heart are essential for spiritual wellbeing. When we purify our body and heart by engaging in positive habits and activities, we can open ourselves up to a more meaningful spiritual life. We can cleanse our body and heart by participating in activities such as yoga, meditation, and prayer. Having a clear and wise mind is also important for a healthy spiritual life. When we cultivate a clear and wise mind, we can better understand our own spiritual needs and develop a more meaningful connection with our spiritual beliefs. We can cultivate a clear and wise mind by reading spiritual texts and engaging in activities like journaling and contemplation. Finally, having an interesting soul is key to a healthy spiritual life. When we have an interesting soul, we feel inspired to explore our spiritual beliefs and develop meaningful relationships with the divine. We can nurture our soul by engaging in creative activities such as painting, music, and writing.
In conclusion, spiritual needs are essential to having a balanced life. A pure and innocent body and heart, a clear and wise mind, and an interesting soul are all essential components of a healthy spiritual life. When we nurture these spiritual needs, we can create a meaningful connection with the divine and lead a more fulfilling life.